COLOMBIA (september 08th 2017) In 2008 AndeanWire was born as a tech platform with american origins that has become what today is one of the highest growing providers of digital news in Latin America
AndeanWire, is being considered by companies from all levels worldwide as an excellent alternative to complement their marketing and sales strategies when posistioning these companies in search engines, creating a positive digitalreputation and transforming information into news.
Currently, AndeanWire with the experience of its directors and founders of more than 17 years, has released more than 200.000 press releases worldwide through a news network of more than 20 sites, becoming the biggest hispanic wire and news digital network.
According to Fernando Basto, CEO of the company in Colombia, “Our service is so effective that in a different and disruptive way we fulfill our sales promise so that our clients fulfill their business goals and establish with us lasting business relationships.

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Acerca de AndeanWire
AndeanWire ( ) Es una firma internacional de carácter privado con sede principal en Latinoamérica (Bogotá-Colombia). Atiende las necesidades de distribución de información de grandes compañías de distribución de comunicados y/o agencias de prensa que tienen contacto directo con Clientes, con sede en la región; mediante la distribución de sus comunicados de prensa a través de cientos de medios noticiosos e informativos alrededor del mundo. Recibe y distribuye mensualmente miles de comunicados en Países como Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, México, Perú y Venezuela.
La red de AndeanWire es tan potente que incluye en su portafolio de Clientes desde grandes compañías, organizaciones internacionales, agencias de free press, RRPP, publicidad y otras.
La entrada AndeanWire Celebrates 9 years helping companies in Latin America se publicó primero en AndeanWire. Central de Noticias.
Source: AndeanWire